Configuring iDRAC using RedFish API via Ansible.

Having a large number of iDRAC out of band (OOB) interfaces to configure on Dell hardware can seem like a mind numbing daunting task to administrators everywhere. Recently my team was tasked with the following basic tasks on around 80 iDRACs:

  • Hostname
  • DNS Setting
  • Syslog Settings
  • LDAP configuration & RBAC mapping
  • SSL Certificate update (interaction with a Microsoft PKI server (certsrv)
  • NTP configuration
  • Update root credential and place into Hashicorp Vault

After a little research and fiddling with APIs / RACADM and the GUI I settled upon using an Ansible module ‘idrac_redfish_config

Without question its the easiest way to configure the bulk of components within iDRAC. ** Certain elements are not possible with this module – I will cover this later **

To explain how to actually use the module, take this task as an example:

- name: Configure NTP and Timezone on iDRAC
    category: Manager
    command: SetManagerAttributes
      NTPConfigGroup.1.NTPEnable: "Enabled"
      NTPConfigGroup.1.NTP1: "{{ ntp_server }}"
      Time.1.Timezone: "{{ timezone }}"
    baseuri: "{{ idrac_ip }}"
    username: "{{ default_user }}"
    password: "{{ idrac_pass }}" 

The manager_attributes section is the key to this module, and typically it is poorly described within the Ansible documentation. The best way to obtain these attributes is to open an iDRAC GUI up, hit F12 to developer mode and track the network activity when saving a change. An attributes POST action includes the payload in the correct format for inclusion in this Ansible task.

My basic playbook for configuration is as follows (excluding certificate change).

- name: Configure NTP and Timezone on iDRAC
    category: Manager
    command: SetManagerAttributes
      NTPConfigGroup.1.NTPEnable: "Enabled"
      NTPConfigGroup.1.NTP1: "{{ ntp_server }}"
      Time.1.Timezone: "{{ timezone }}"
    baseuri: "{{ idrac_ip }}"
    username: "{{ default_user }}"
    password: "{{ idrac_pass }}" 

- name: Configure DNS Servers
    category: Manager
    command: SetManagerAttributes
      IPv4Static.1.DNS1: "{{ dns_server.primary }}"
      IPv4Static.1.DNS2: "{{ dns_server.secondary }}"
    baseuri: "{{ idrac_ip }}"
    username: "{{ default_user }}"
    password: "{{ idrac_pass }}" 

- name: Configure iDRAC Name and domain 
    category: Manager
    command: SetManagerAttributes
      NIC.1.DNSDomainName: "{{ domain_name }}"
      NIC.1.DNSRacName: "{{ idrac_hostname }}"
      NIC.1.DNSRegister: "Enabled"
    baseuri: "{{ idrac_ip }}"
    username: "{{ default_user }}"
    password: "{{ idrac_pass }}" 

- name: Configure TLS 1.2 
    category: Manager
    command: SetManagerAttributes
      WebServer.1.TLSProtocol: "TLS 1.2 Only"
      NIC.1.DNSRacName: "{{ idrac_hostname }}"
      NIC.1.DNSRegister: "Enabled"
    baseuri: "{{ idrac_ip }}"
    username: "{{ default_user }}"
    password: "{{ idrac_pass }}" 

- name: Configure LDAPS
    category: Manager
    command: SetManagerAttributes
      LDAP.1.Enable: "Enabled"
      LDAPRoleGroup.1.DN: "CN=DG_IDRAC_ADMINS,OU=1_IDRAC,OU=blah,DC=blah"
      LDAPRoleGroup.1.Privilege: 511
      LDAPRoleGroup.2.DN: "CN=DG_IDRAC_READ,OU=1_IDRAC,OU=blah,DC=blah"
      LDAPRoleGroup.2.Privilege: 1
      LDAP.1.BaseDN: "{{ base_dn }}"
      LDAP.1.BindDN: "{{ bind_account_name }},{{ base_dn }}"
      LDAP.1.BindPassword: "{{ ldap_bind_pwd }}"
      LDAP.1.CertValidationEnable: "Disabled"
      LDAP.1.Enable: "Enabled"
      LDAP.1.GroupAttribute: ""
      LDAP.1.GroupAttributeIsDN: "Enabled"
      LDAP.1.Port: 636
      LDAP.1.SearchFilter: ""
      LDAP.1.Server: "{{ domain_name }}"
      LDAP.1.UserAttribute: "sAMAccountName"
    baseuri: "{{ idrac_ip }}"
    username: "{{ default_user }}"
    password: "{{ idrac_pass }}" 

- name: Configure Syslog
    category: Manager
    command: SetManagerAttributes
      SysLog.1.Port: 514
      SysLog.1.SysLogEnable: "Enabled"
    baseuri: "{{ idrac_ip }}"
    username: "{{ default_user }}"
    password: "{{ idrac_pass }}" 

- name: Login to Vault (Root NS) as Service Account 
    url: "{{ vault_url }}/v1/auth/ldap/login/{{ vault_svc_acc_username }}"
    method: POST
    body_format: json
    body: {"password":"{{ vault_svc_acc_password }}"}
    return_content: yes
    follow_redirects: all
    status_code: 200
    validate_certs: no
  register: data
  no_log: true

- name: Fetch a new password from Vault
    url: "{{ vault_url }}/v1/gen/password"
    method: POST
    body_format: json
        X-Vault-Token: "{{ data.json.auth.client_token }}"
    body: {"length":"15", "digits":"3", "symbols":"3", "allow_uppercase":"true"}
    return_content: yes
    status_code: 200
    validate_certs: no
  register: new_pass
  no_log: true

- name: Login to Vault as Service Account
    url: "{{ vault_url }}/v1/auth/ldap/login/{{ vault_svc_acc_username }}"
    method: POST
    body_format: json
        X-Vault-Namespace: "{{ vault_namespace }}"
    body: {"password":"{{ vault_svc_acc_password }}"}
    return_content: yes
    status_code: 200
    validate_certs: no
  register: ns_data
  no_log: true

- name: Post new server record to Vault - iDRAC
    url: "{{ vault_url }}/v1/data/servers/idrac/{{ idrac_hostname | lower}}/root"
    body_format: json
    method: POST
        X-Vault-Token: "{{ ns_data.json.auth.client_token }}"
        X-Vault-Namespace: "{{ vault_namespace }}"
    body: { "options": { "max_versions": "12" }, "data": { "password":"{{ }}" }}
    return_content: yes
    status_code: 200
    validate_certs: no
  no_log: true

- name: Change Root Password
    category: Manager
    command: SetManagerAttributes
      Users.2.AuthenticationProtocol: "SHA"
      Users.2.EmailAddress: ""
      Users.2.Enable: "Enabled"
      Users.2.IpmiLanPrivilege: "Administrator"
      Users.2.IpmiSerialPrivilege: "Administrator"
      Users.2.Password: "{{ }}"
      Users.2.PrivacyProtocol: "AES"
      Users.2.Privilege: 511
      Users.2.ProtocolEnable: "Disabled"
      Users.2.Simple2FA: "Disabled"
      Users.2.SolEnable: "Enabled"
      Users.2.UseEmail: "Disabled"
      Users.2.UserName: "root"
    baseuri: "{{ idrac_ip }}"
    username: "{{ default_user }}"
    password: "{{ idrac_pass }}" 


Of course changing the SSL certificate wouldn’t be as easy as all the elements above. The Ansible module does not support the changing of the certificate for some unknown reason, so I had to delve into the hell which is the Dell developer website, specifically for these poorly described API calls….

The flow for this playbook is as follows:

  • Generate CSR on the iDRAC and export
  • Send CSR to Microsoft PKI server and request against a specific template
  • Obtain certificate for certsrv
  • Parse cert and upload to iDRAC
  • Reset iDRAC for cert to take effect
- name: Generate iDRAC CSR 
    url: "https://{{ idrac_ip }}/redfish/v1/CertificateService/Actions/CertificateService.GenerateCSR"
    method: POST
    url_username: "{{ default_user}}"
    url_password: "{{ idrac_pass }}"
    force_basic_auth: yes
    return_content: yes
    body_format: json
    status_code: 200
    validate_certs: no
    body: '{
      "Country" : "GB",
      "State" : "StateHere",
      "City"  : "Cityhere",
      "Organization" : "Blah",
      "OrganizationalUnit" : "BlahOU",
      "CommonName" : "{{ idrac_hostname }}.{{ domain_name }}",
      "AlternativeNames" : [
        "{{ idrac_hostname }}.{{ domain_name }}",
        "{{ idrac_hostname }}"
      "CertificateCollection" : {
        "" : "/redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/NetworkProtocol/HTTPS/Certificates"
  no_log: false
  register: data

- name: Set CSR as new fact
    new_csr: "{{ data.json.CSRString | replace('\n','') }}"

- name: Print out the CSR
    var: new_csr

- name: Send CSR to Microsoft PKI server
    url: "https://{{ pki_server }}/certsrv/certfnsh.asp"
    method: POST
    url_username: "{{ pki_svc_account }}@{{ domain_name | upper }}"
    url_password: "{{ pki_pwd }}"
    use_gssapi: yes
    return_content: yes
    body_format: form-urlencoded
    status_code: 200
    validate_certs: no
      Mode: "newreq"
      CertRequest: "{{ new_csr }}"
      CertAttrib: "CertificateTemplate:{{ pki_template }}"
      FriendlyType: "Saved-Request Certificate"
      TargetStoreFlags: "0"
      SaveCert: "yes"
  no_log: true
  register: cert_out

- name: Set content as a fact
    content: "{{ cert_out.content }}"

- name: Push new fact to file
    content: "{{ content }}"
    dest: ./content

- name: Grab Request ID 
  shell: pwsh -c "./regex_search.ps1"
  register: req_id

- name: print req id
    msg: "{{ req_id }}"

- name: Obtain certificate from PKI server
    url: "https://{{ pki_server }}/certsrv/certnew.cer?ReqID={{ req_id.stdout }}&Enc=b64"
    method: GET
    url_username: "{{ pki_svc_account }}@{{ domain_name | upper }}"
    url_password: "{{ pki_pwd }}"
    use_gssapi: yes
    return_content: yes
    status_code: 200
    validate_certs: no
  no_log: true
  register: new_cert

- name: Parse the new certificate to clear up the rubbish \r instances returned from MS
    cert: "{{ new_cert.content | regex_replace('\\r?','') }}"

- name: Print the new parsed certificate
    var: cert

- name: Upload Certificate to iDRAC
    url: "https://{{ idrac_ip }}/redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/Oem/Dell/DelliDRACCardService/Actions/DelliDRACCardService.ImportSSLCertificate"
    method: POST
    url_username: "{{ default_user}}"
    url_password: "{{ idrac_pass }}"
    force_basic_auth: yes
    return_content: yes
    body_format: json
    status_code: 200
    validate_certs: no
    body: '{
      "SSLCertificateFile" : "{{ cert }}",
      "CertificateType" : "Server"
  no_log: true
  register: data

- name: Reset IDRAC to allow the certificate take effect
    url: "https://{{ idrac_ip }}/redfish/v1/Managers/iDRAC.Embedded.1/Actions/Manager.Reset"
    method: POST
    url_username: "{{ default_user}}"
    url_password: "{{ idrac_pass }}"
    force_basic_auth: yes
    return_content: yes
    body_format: json
    status_code: 204
    validate_certs: no
    body: '{
      "ResetType" : "GracefulRestart"
  no_log: false

- name: "Wait for {{ idrac_ip }} to come up"
    url: "https://{{ idrac_ip }}//restgui/start.html"
    validate_certs: no
    method: GET
    follow_redirects: none
  register: _result
  until: _result.status == 200
  retries: 30
  delay: 20
  # 5 minute wait time

For these interested, I have a small PowerShell hack in this code to grab the ReqID from the output from the PKI server which is….

I ran out of time to integrate this into a Ansible regex_search task, but I’m sure its possible!

$reqID = (get-content ./content | select-string -Pattern "ReqID=[0-9]{1,5}" | select-object -Index 0).Matches.Value.Split("=")[1]
write-host $reqID

I hope this helps someone out!!

1 Comment

  1. Florian Permalink

    thank you for your inspirational post. I have found your post for obtaining Certificates through Microsoft PKI with Ansible. Here the Task which works for us with Regex within Ansible and without Powershell:

    – name: “Find Request ID”
    cert_reqid: “{{ cert_out.content | regex_search(‘ReqID=[0-9]{1,6}’) }}”

    Our RegID is 6 digits instead 5. Maybe in future 7 digits. But that´s next construction site.


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